Welcome to Augustus Healthcare Solutions LLC

Healthcare organizations are facing challenges in the areas too much or unnecessary care demands, Quality Care to patients, Blocking of Capital/Revenues, paradigm shift of value based payments from volume care and Lack of Transparency or mechanism for transparency.

Augustus Healthcare Solutions has always been the leader for providing Value-Centric Solutions. We believe the ingenious investment is in the Methodologies, Human Resources and their abilities to innovate. Global existence and ease of access to talent supports efficient management of any volume of deliverables to our clients.

Your Benefits

Globally, businesses are looking to better optimize cost without impact on quality in its back office functions. Engaging Augustus HCS as your experienced partner will put your organization at the forefront of effective delivery of administrative functions.

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Provider Solutions

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Value Care Documentation Services Vs Volume Care Payments :- " Medicare and other payer’s payments to providers are now driven by Value the providers add to delivered care to their patients and not by the Volume of patients they encounter and bill for."

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Payer Solutions

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“Cost-effective and Reliable Claims Administration Services for Health Insurance companies” Due to a surge in enrollment thanks to the Affordable Care Act, as well as an increase in both high-risk consumers and the size of the aging population

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